Saturday, January 9, 2010

Worrier or Warrior?

Are you a Worrier or a Warrior? You must decide and act. I did. I have learned, well actually proven,that if you are a Worrier you are subject to a life of doom and frustration. Worriers sit around and think about their problems. They talk incessantly about them, they journal about them, they dream about them, they go to bed with gloom and doom on the brain and therefore create a strong likelihood that their worries will become a reality. And it usually happens because of the constant energy and thought patterns that are dedicated to them. The problems expand and either become real, or if they already exist, they intensify and become worse.

It's not new thought to state that most people spend 90% of their time in the problem and 10% distracted with other things such as Facebook or TV and maybe 10% in the actual solution of the problem.

Imagine the results you would get if you spent 85% of your time in the solution and the other 15% relieving your stress caused by the problem and eliminated the worry habit.

Why is it so bad to worry? Well, it’s simple, worry kills. It will kill your health and your peace of mind. It will rob time and attention from your loved ones and most likely lead to a whole new set of problems -self fueling, self perpetuating. Negative thoughts are a precursor to stress and disease. They will rob you of your time, your mental health and your joy.

Determine today to become a Warrior. Warriors never worry, they see a problem as an enemy that needs to be destroyed. They actively pursue the people, actions and tools they need to conquer the beast that opposes them and threatens their peace of mind, their money and their family. They commit to flooding their mind with positive people, thoughts, movies, music and books that encourage and inspire positive action.

Value your time, for your time, is your life- Janine Avila, Warrior


  1. Mom, you are such an amazing Woman. Thank you for all your love. Deet

  2. GREAT INSIGHT!!! Keep it coming, we love it!!
    Lori & Roy

  3. You are always an inspriation in your warrior spirit...not a worry to be found. Great article!

  4. Thanks for kicking this "worry wart" in the butt and reminding me to focus on possible solutions instead of the problem!

  5. My Grandmother was a worrier, my Dad is becoming a worrier. I have watched and am watching the decay. With God's help I hope to stay a Warrior! Thanks Janine!

  6. I love the idea of you blogging! You have a lot to share. I feel very connected to the warrior spirit. I think its also important to sit with your "positive thoughts" and get clear with how you want to create the next moment. I've seen it over and over, what I'm dwelling on I get more of.Keep it coming warrior princess!

  7. 2010 Year of the Warriors!
    Love it!

  8. Great post, Janine. I'm thinking that I am too much of a worrier. With proper guidance, I WILL become more of a warrior. LOVE your blog!

  9. Janine, you never cease to amaze me! I've never been a worrier. Sometimes even those of us who are warriors need some guidance in the right direction. You've always done that for me, kept me on the right track and for that I thank you. Warriors must surround themselves with other warriors for if they stand alone they are weak! Love that you are blogging.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Worrying solves nothing. Fix what you can and let the rest go. Thanks Janine!

  12. Janine you are absolutely right! That's why the bible tells us "as we thinketh in our heart so are we." As a coach and international speaker and author myself, it's mind boggling when I ask people what they want and they proceed to tell me what they don't want and since the mind is teleological and can't tell the difference between right or wrong, true or false, it only acts on our currently dominating thoughts and carries out our fears or desires, that's why winners focus on desired outcomes and losers consider and focus on the penalties of failure. That's why leaders like you are so important to help them make those fine distinctions and mental shifts that make the big difference in how their lives turn out.

    Like Abe Lincoln said “most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be!”

  13. Great blog post, love your insights!


